CERN School of Computing 1995

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Application Form for Postgraduate Students

wishing to attend the

1995 CERN School of Computing, Arles, France
20 August - 02 Septembr 1995

The deadline concerning the 1995 CERN School of Computing has now passed, and no further applications can be accepted.
The CSC Advisory Committee - 2 June 1995

To apply:

Fill in and submit this form. The submission of this form MUST be accompanied by a letter or e-mail of reference from your professor or supervisor.

Letters of reference should be sent to:

Miss Jacqueline Turner,
School of Computing,
CH-1211 Geneva 23

E-mails of reference should be sent to:

Both the filled out form and the letter of reference must reach us by 31 May 1995. Applications received after this date will not be considered.


Family name
First name
Name to be used for badge
Your e-mail address

Sex -- Date of birth (DD MM YY)

Address of home institute or department:

Field of specialization:

High Energy Physics
Computing Science

Knowledge of english:

Reading: Writing: Speaking:

University education:

From: To: Attended
Qualifications Obtained
Present Stage Of Studies

For what qualification are you working at present?

When do you expect to obtain it ?

Have you ever worked at CERN?

Yes. If so:
When? From: To:
In Which Division ?

Have you applied to attend any of the previous schools organised by CERN?

Yes. If so:
Which? Of which year?
Was your application accepted or rejected ?

How did you hear about the School?

First announcement
World-Wide Web
Via a colleague
Via your supervisor

Please state whether mail dispatched between May and August 1995 should be addressed to:

Your home institute as above ?
If not, specify alternative address:

Brief description of your current work:

Provide a 100-word description of your current work and indicate the computer(s) and programming language(s) with which you are familiar. A sample description is provided below:

I am working with the Computer Centre at GSI. My present area of work is the integrated network and system management for the heteregeneous computer cluster at GSI. This requires a knowledge of network architectures, protocols and tools as well as an understanding of the management of a distributed computer cluster. For my Ph.D. I designed and implemented a software (second level) trigger system for the Kaon spectrometer at GSI and I participated in the development of a VME-based data acquisition system.

I am familiar with RS/6000 (IBM), HP, AXP/alpha (DEC) workstations and Vax and the operations systems Unixs (AIX, HP-UX) and VMS. I am familiar with shell scripting and DCL and the programming languages C, Fortran, PL/I, Pascal and 68k-Assembler.

Other comments:

Please add below any information that does not fit anywhere else in this form:

Before submitting, please remember that ...

all information typed in.

MR - 07 February 1995