The School is based on the presentation of approximately 40 lectures and on related practical work on PCs or workstations.
P. Binko, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
OO Databases
W. Hall, Southampton University
Making Links in Unstructured Data: an Introduction to Hypermedia
W. Hall, Southampton University
Making Links in Web Database Applications
S. Malaika, IBM
Making Links in Structured Data: an Introduction to Databases
S. Malaika, IBM
Making Links in Web Database Applications
M. Donszelmann, B. Rousseau, CERN
Information Systems for Physics Experiments - with exercises
Simulations are a widespread method to understand and to design complex systems. They are applied where the complexity of a system inhibits a closed-form description or where the cost of experiments or of prototypes inhibits measurements. Simulations are based on an abstract model of a real system described in terms of objects and their behaviour. In discrete-event simulations the object's behaviour is expressed in terms of state changes which can occur only at discrete events in time. This method is very suitable for computers and a wide variety of programming languages for this purpose are available. As an example of such a language, MODSIM II, will be described in some detail. The design of data acquisition systems for future experiments in high energy physics will be given as an example of an application of discrete-event simulations.
Trigger design and trigger architectures will be discussed in the context of the LHC experiments. These lectures will present a "top-down" analysis of the LHC trigger requirements and design, based on the physics requirements of the LHC experiments. The LHC Level-1 trigger algorithms, based on specific trigger hardware, will be described and compared. Higher-level trigger algorithms, based on commercial switching networks and processor farms, will be presented, as well as the expected algorithm execution times. Full trigger menus and expected trigger rates will also be presented. Trigger architectures and implementations under consideration for the LHC experiments will be compared, first using very simple "paper models", then using complete modelling based on fully simulated events.
W.E. Johnston, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Network-based Remote Instrument and Experiment Control
R. Spiwoks, CERN
Discrete-Event Simulations
D. Hubbard, CEA Saclay
LHC Trigger Design
S. Smith, Southampton University
Modern Object-Oriented Software Development - with exercises
A. Khodabandeh, CERN
Software Process and Quality (Organisational aspects)- with exercises
V. Chaloupka, Washington University
Human Aspects of Computing in Large Physics Collaborations
T. Burnett, Washington University
Application of the STL to Reconstruction of High-energy Physics Data - with exercises
J. Allison, Manchester University
GEANT4 Experience
W.T. Hewitt, Manchester University
Visualisation of Multidimensional and Multivariate Data
W.T. Hewitt, Manchester University
Systems and Architectures for Visualisation
L. Taylor, Northeastern University
Visualisation in High Energy Physics