CERN School of ComputingThis sum covers tuition, full board and lodging at either the Hotel Floret or the Hotel Tulipan from dinner on Sunday, 17 August to breakfast on Saturday, 30 August 1997, as well as coffee or tea during the morning and afternoon breaks and some social activities, of which details will be given at a later time. It does not include travel expenses from the participants' home institutes to Pruhonice and back.
a/c no. 758.112.0
Société de Banque Suisse
CH-1211 GENEVA 23
If you choose not to use the Web, then you need you fill out a printed copy of the plain text version of the application form.
When applying to attend the School, each student is requested to provide a summary in English of about 100 words in length, describing his/her current work. The School booklet, which will be distributed to all participants before the beginning of the School, will include the summaries of the selected students. Applicants are requested to forward their summary to Jacqueline Turner by e-mail ( You will find an example of the presentation of the e-mail under 'Example of summary".
Candidates should forward the completed application form and formal letter of reference to Miss J. Turner as specified in the section "Enquiries and Correspondence".
The deadline for receipt of applications is 16 May 1997.
Citizens of Developing Countries may apply for a limited number of SCHOLARSHIPS awarded by UNESCO to young physicists or engineers who have not been to previous CERN Schools of Computing. The UNESCO scholarship covers the cost of the course fee, including board and lodging and, in certain cases, travel. It is primarily intended for applicants from countries which are not members of CERN. Priority will be given to applicants from developing countries and those not requiring travel assistance.
Applications for support must be submitted on a special application form by 1 May 1997, together with the formal application to the School, the formal letter of reference and work summary, as mentioned under item 8. Application forms for funding may be obtained from Miss J. Turner, CERN School of Computing, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland, or via
Miss J. TurnerCERN School of Computing
CH-1211 GENEVA 23
First name and surname Institute Street Town Country e-mail addressMy current area of work with the Department DV&EE at GSI is related to the development and maintenance of data acquisition systems. The SBS acquisition system, developed at GSI, supports a distributed (Frontend: LynxOS, Client-Server: UNIX, OpenVMS) Client-Server concept. This requires an understanding of network communication (TCP/IP) as well as knowledge of hardware programming. My present project is an implementation of an ESONE Client-Server system based on the technique of RPC's. For my Ph.D. I am developing a new MWDC for particle tracking in the first exotic nuclei experiment at GSI and implementing parts of the data acquisition/ analysis software for the neutron detector LAND at GSI. I am familiar with DCL and shell scripts and the programming languages C, Fortran, Pascal, PL/I and Lisp. I have experience in developing software under the operations systems UNIX (AIX, HP-UX, LynxOS), OpenVMS, DOS and Windows and the RS/6000, HP, AXP/alpha, PC and VME-based systems.
Last update: 3 JUN 1997