The costs of the School will be 1,750 Swiss francs per student. This sum should be paid into the following account upon receipt of the letter of acceptance.
CERN School of Computing
a/c no. 758.112.0
United Bank of Switzerland (UBS)
CH-1211 Geneva 23
This sum covers tuition, full board and lodging at the Hotel Anders from dinner on Sunday, 12 September to breakfast on Saturday, 25 September 1999, as well as coffee or tea during the morning and afternoon breaks and some social activities, of which details will be given at a later time. It does not include travel expenses from the participants home institutes to Stare Jablonki and back.
If you have a WWW viewer that supports forms then you may fill out and submit the CSC '99 WWW application form. If you decide to use the Web to send in your application form, do not forget that you also need to send a formal Letter of Reference.
If you choose not to use the Web then you need to fill out a printed copy of the plain text version of the application form.
When applying to attend the School, each student is requested to provide a summary in English of about 100 words in length, describing his/her current work. The School booklet, which will be distributed to all participants before the beginning of the School, will include the summaries of the selected students. Applicants are requested to forward their summary to Jacqueline Turner by e-mail ( You will find an example of the presentation of the e-mail under 'Example of summary".
Candidates should forward the completed application form and formal letter of reference to Miss J. Turner as specified in the section "Enquiries and Correspondence". The deadline for receipt of applications is 17 May 1999.
It is normally expected that funding to cover travel and cost of the School will be provided by the student's institute. This expectation is explicitly the case for students coming from institutes in CERN Member States, or in other industrial nations.[2]
Citizens of developing countries may apply for a limited number of SCHOLARSHIPS awarded by UNESCO or by the European Commission to young physicists or engineers who have not been to previous CERN Schools of Computing. The scholarships cover the cost of the registration fee, including board and lodging and, in exceptional cases, travel. It is primarily intended for applicants from countries which are not member of CERN. Priority will be given to applicants from developing countries and those not requiring travel assistance.
Applications for support must be submitted on a special application form by Monday, 17 May 1999, together with a formal application to the School, the formal letter of reference and work summary, as mentioned under the section "Application". Forms for Scholarships may be obtained from Miss J. Turner, CERN School of Computing, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland, or via
The selection of the students will be made by the Advisory Committee and the students will be informed of the outcome of their application during June 1999.
The Advisory Committee reserves the right to refuse reimbursement of part or all of the fee in the case of late cancellation. However, each case of cancellation would be considered individually.
In all cases of withdrawal or cancellation, whether last-minute or otherwise, the choice of a replacement, if any, will lie entirely with the Advisory Committee and not with the laboratory concerned.
All enquiries and correspondence related to the School should be addressed to:
CERN School of Computing
CH-1211 GENEVA 23
First name and surname Institute Street Town Country e-mail address
My current work at the Roma 2 INFN lab, as a Post-Doctoral fellow, is connected to the development of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs), which will be used as the LVL1 muon trigger detectors in both the ATLAS and the CMS experiments at the LHC. RPCs are very fast detectors which will provide the first piece of information in the event selection chain of these two big experiments. My work therefore covers the following items: setup of a cosmic ray test bench for RPCs, development of a data acquisition system and subsequent analysis of the data taken. The DAQ system is CAMAC-based and the acquisition program was developed using LabVIEW. The data are then transferred to an OpenVMS mainframe system for storage and off-line analysis.
I am familiar with the programming languages Basic, C, Fortran, and am starting developing applications in C++. I have developed software for on-line monitoring and off-line analysis on HP and RS/6000 workstations, AXP/alpha, PC, Macintosh, under the operating systems UNIX (AIX, HP-UX), OpenVMS, IBM VM-OS, DOS, Windows, MacOS..