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How to Apply
Financial Support
Enquiries and Correspondence
Example of Summary
WWW Application Form

The cost of the School will be 1,750 Swiss francs per student. This sum should be paid into the following account upon receipt of the letter of acceptance.

CERN School of Computing
a/c no. 279-C7 758.112.0
CH-1211 Geneva 23

This sum covers tuition, full board and lodging at the Hotel Golden Coast from dinner on Sunday, 17 September to breakfast on Saturday, 30 September 2000, as well as coffee or tea during the morning and afternoon breaks and some social activities, of which details will be given at a later time. It does not include travel expenses from the participants' home institutes to Marathon and back.

How to Apply

An application form is enclosed with this Bulletin, or application can be made directly via the Web.

When applying to attend the School, each student is requested to provide a summary in English of about 100 words in length, describing his/her current work. The School booklet, which will be distributed to all participants before the beginning of the School, will include the summaries of the selected students. Applicants are requested to forwardUp their summary to Jacqueline Franco-Turner by e-mail ( You will find an example of the presentation here.

Candidates should ensure that:

reach the School Secretary (Mrs Jacqueline Franco-Turner) by 15 June 2000 at the latest. Applications received after this date will not be considered.

The selection of the students will be made by the Advisory Committee and students will be informed of the outcome of their application during June 2000.

Financial Support

It is normally expected that funding to cover travel and the cost of the School will be provided by the student's institute. This expectation is explicitly the case for students coming from institutes in CERN Member States1, or in other industrial nations.

Citizens of Developing Countries may apply for a limited number of SCHOLARSHIPS awarded by UNESCO or by other International Agencies to young physicists or engineers who have not been to previous CERN Schools of Computing. The scholarships cover the cost of the course fee, including board and lodging and in certain cases travel. It is primarily intended for applicants from countries that are not members of CERN. Priority will be given to applicants from developing countries and those not requiring travel assistance.

Applications for support must be submitted on a special application form by 15 June 2000, together with the formal application to the School, the formal letter of reference and work summary, as mentioned under the section "Application". An application form can be found here. Additional forms for Scholarships may be obtained from Mrs. J. Franco-Turner, CERN School of Computing, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland, or via Please note that the application for Scholarship must be submitted together with the School application form.

Requests submitted at a later date will not be considered.

(1) CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, has its headquarters in Geneva. At present, its Member States are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Israel, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, Turkey, the European Commission and Unesco have observer status.


The selection of the students will be made by the Advisory Committee and the students will be informed of the outcome of their application during June 2000.


The Advisory Committee reserves the right to refuse reimbursement of part or all of the fee in the case of late cancellation. However, each case of cancellation would be considered individually.


In all cases of withdrawal or cancellation, whether last-minute or otherwise, the choice of a replacement, if any, will lie entirely with the Advisory Committee and not with the laboratory concerned.

Enquiries and Correspondence

All enquiries and correspondence related to the School should be addressed to:

Mrs Jacqueline Franco-Turner
CERN School of Computing
CH-1211 Geneva 23

Tel. no. : +41 22 767.50.49

Telefax : +41 22 767.71.55

E-mail :

Example Of Summary

First name and surname
Country                                                     e-mail address:

My current work involves the development of an online queuing system, for event monitoring by multiple client process in a collider experiment. The queuing system will run parallel to the event logging processes and allows monitor programs to request events from the online data pipeline. The queuing system employs a client-server software package that is being developed within our group, and I am involved in the testing and debugging of this code. I am also a primary contact for handling support issues raised by fixed target experiments using the DART data acquisition system. Recent work includes porting the DART data acquisition system from IRIX to OSF1. I have been involved in several efforts to port both offline (C and FORTRAN) and online (C, C++ and Fortran) software written between several operating systems (Unix to VMS, VMS to IRIX, IRIX to OSF1). I have written code in C, C++, Python/Tkinter, Tcl/Tk and Fortran. The operating systems I am most familiar with are Unix (IRIX, OSF1, Linux) and VMS.

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Text: Jackie Turner Katerina Zachariadou
Web: Ioannis Sakelliou
Last update: 1 March 2000
