CSC2002 Program Lecturers and their biographies
Paolo Tonella Instituto Trentino di Cultura TM Tools and Methods
  Paolo Tonella received his laureate degree cum laude in Electronic Engineering from the University of Padua,  Italy, in  1992, and his PhD degree in Software Engineering from the same University, in 1999, with the thesis "Code Analysis in Support to Software Maintenance". Since 1994  he has been a full  time researcher of the Software Engineering group at IRST   (Institute for Scientific and Technological Research), Trento, Italy. He participated in several industrial and European Community projects on software analysis and testing. He is now the technical responsible of a project with the Alice, ATLAS and LHCb experiments at CERN on the automatic verification of coding standards and on the extraction of high level UML  views from the code. In 2000-2001 he gave a course on Software Engineering at the University of Brescia. Now he teaches Software Analysis and Testing at the University of Trento. His current research  interests  include  reverse engineering, object oriented programming, web applications and static code analysis.

Last edited: 07-Apr-03