CSC soccer tournament player list

This is the list of the requests we have received so far

Name Position Comments
Andrea Causarano
Are Strandlie
Hector Sanchez any just for fun
Lauri Wendland any Just for fun - and without shoes
Andrei Soukharev any I'm not of great skill
Kurt Stockinger any This is Kurtis brother signing up to keep him fit / hi hi hi
Kurt Stockinger any This is Kurtis brother signing up to keep him fit / hi hi hi
Andreas Wildauer anything but keeper! I am that damn good that I don't have a prefered position just put me in a team and the victory is ours :-)
Nuno Barros Anywhere....hmmmm, perhaps defender! I would like to be the in the Andreas team because i'm already injured in my knee!!! :)
Massimo Camarda anzthing but keeper I'm Italian, nothing else to say!
Joanna Weng attack I am not good and play just for fun
Alasdair Earl British Football Hooligan Just kidding, midfield to defense is good.
mirko corosu defender or goalkeeper i'm quite bad at playing football
Wolfgang Waltenberger Defense I am an awesome soccer player. Diego Maradona is my student - only he never lived up to his teacher. I never played in any official games because nobody would have stood a chance against me.
Rui Sampaio Defense / Midfield
Ciro everywhere... like the beer! I come from Napoli, the 4S city: Sun, Sea, Science and Soccer!
Manuel Diaz-Gomez forward right side
igor front for fun
Henrik Tydesjö Goal Scorer Tomas Brolin, Martin Dahlin, Kenneth Andersson - All good players are from Sweden...
karim Bernardet good question ... just to run !
Alex Sousa Midfield
Francois Fluckiger Midfield
Pietro Martucci Midfield
Bengt Wessling Midfield Well, I'm just a little bit too chubby...
Andreas Salzburger Midfield Manuel, you'll have to forget Toni Polster (although i'm not gonna name my eventual future son "Jesus" as he did)!
Andi Hektor midfield
Tamas Hauer Midfield-defense
Christophe mitfield weltmeisterschaft 2002 revenge !
Jackie Turner none Pom Pom girl
Andrea Ceccanti none I really can't play soccer.
Atila Striker, Forward, Attacker... I'm Brazilian. Need I say more?
Heinz Stockinger well, do I care? I just want to kick the ball into the goal I do not rember anymore when I played last time

Page created by Agustín Palacios-Laloy
for the CSC on 25/08/2003