CSC2004 Programme Track Description


Tools and Techniques              B.Jacobsen                             2 hours

These lectures present tools and techniques that are valuable when developing software for high energy physics.  We discuss how to work more efficiently while still creating a high quality product that your colleagues will be happy with. The exercises provide practice with each of the tools and techniques presented, and culminate in a small project.

  ST_TT_L_1 Tools
  ST_TT_L_2  Techniques


Tools and Techniques              B.Jacobsen                             4 hours
  ST_TT_E_1 Exercises on Tools and Techniques
  ST_TT_E_2 Exercises on Tools and Techniques
  ST_TT_E_3 Exercises on Tools and Techniques
  ST_TT_E_4 Exercises on Tools and Techniques

Last edited: 20-Apr-04 .