Presentation Contest For students during VIP visit On the occasion of the visit of the CERN Director General we are planning a special session, to take place on Friday, 9 September. Students are invited to propose a topic they would be interested in presenting. Those selected will be invited to give a short presentation (in the order of 5 to 10 minutes maximum). We know the delay is extremely short, but we nevertheless hope that several of you will be willing to take this unique opportunity. The presentation, in particular if short, would not necessarily require presentation material (such as PowerPoint slides) The choice of topic is free but should preferably be related in some way to the school. In particular, topics where students show how they can best exploit the knowledge they are acquiring at the school will be appreciated. Examples, you may briefly talk about:
Deadline for submission: Wednesday, 7 September 2005, 19:00 hours For this, fill-out the Presentation Contest web form before the deadline.