sai.suman.cherukuwada <AT>

CERN, Geneva



I work with the LHCb Online Group at CERN as a Marie-Curie EST Fellow. I am currently designing and building a storage architecture for the Data Acquisition System. The objective is to provide reliable and scalable storage to a very large farm of servers at high throughput. My areas of interest are parallel computing, clustering, storage, and filesystems.I have worked in software development in the banking/finance area as well as in the high performance computing sector, and have programming experience in C, C++, Python, and Java. Although I have programmed in Windows as well, I remain a die-hard Linux fan.


Leandro FRANCO

lfranco <AT>

CERN, Geneva



I am a Marie Curie Fellow working at CERN for the PH/SFT group. I am involved with the PROOF project, which is a component of the ROOT framework that tries to process and analyze large amounts of data in parallel. At the moment, I am working on efficient mechanisms for intelligent Read Ahead and Caching strategies of remote data.  I use GNU/Linux as my working environment and C/C++ are my preferred languages.



wenzel <AT>

University of Leipzig



My present PhD work is in the field of (Quantum) Monte Carlo simulations of topological defects in 3D scalar quantum-electrodynamics on a lattice. I investigate monopole and vortex-loop percolation in dependence on the external coupling constants in the theory. My second interest is in low-dimensional quantum magnets which I study with recently introduced Quantum Monte Carlo schemes like the Stochastic Series Expansion. There, I am especially interested in Quantum Phase Transitions. This work relies heavily on fast (MPI) parallel C and C++ code for simulation and a combination of Perl and Python scripting for post data manipulations. For data management purposes I use relational databases (MySQL) and SQL. Recently, I have implemented a 3-tier database frontend using Java (JDBC) and XML for accessing the database over the web.  On a separate university project, I have developed a Java-plugin for the Protege Ontologie project.  Lastly, I have some familiarity in Hardware design using VHDL. Platforms used: Linux, Unixes.