Biskup |
Warsaw University, Warsaw Poland |
iCSC |
Marek is a
PhD student at Institute of Informatics, Warsaw University. Currently he is
involved in the "Pi of the Sky" astronomical experiment, whose goal is
online monitoring of the sky, looking for optical flashes. He stayed at CERN
as a technical student working with the ROOT team on improving transparency
of the subsystem for parallel data analysis - PROOF. He received Master's
degree in Computer Science from Warsaw University, Warsaw and Vrije
Universiteit, Amsterdam. The research for his Master's project included
development of a parallel grid application for spectral data analysis
(biophysics). Apart from his Computer Science studies Marek is finishing his
Master's Degree in Experimental High Energy Physics. His research interests
include parallel programming and distributed systems, computing for physics
as well as theoretical computer science.
Przybyszewski |
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw Poland |
iCSC |
I am a MSc. student at Warsaw University of
Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology. I stayed at
CERN from October 2004 until September 2005 as a technical student. I was a
member of DES-DIS group and worked with Oracle databases backups. My thesis
is related to the area of my work at CERN - I am developing an application
that will support development of backup strategies for Oracle databases.
Apart from Oracle I am interested in machine learning, evolutionary,
heuristic and data mining algorithms.
Liliana Teodorescu |
Universty of Brunel United Kingdom |
iCSC |
Liliana Teodorescu is a Lecturer at Brunel University,
UK. She holds a Ph.D. in Particle Physics from Bucharest University,
Romania. Since her graduation she worked on particle physics
experiments at different laboratories around the world: Thomas Jefferson
National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF), USA, Instituto Nazionale di Fisica
Nucleare (INFN) – Pisa, Italy and Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre (SLAC),
USA. She is currently working on CMS and BaBar experiments, being
particularly interested in development of new algorithms for data analysis.
Vijayalakshmi Sundararajan |
Newcastle, United Kingdom |
iCSC |
Sundararajan is currently a BCS-ISEB certified Test Analyst based in
NewCastle, UK. She has been actively working in the IT industry since
1999. She worked for one of India's largest software company and gained
expertise in software testing while serving clients like Morgan Stanley and
Lucent Technologies. In 2005, she collaborated through Université Libre de
Bruxelles, Belgium with the CMS computing team at CERN to develop the infrastructure for automatic software
Vossen |
Albert-Ludwigs Universität , Freiburg Germany |
iCSC |
I am currently working on my doctoral degree in physics at the Albert-Ludwigs
Universität in Freiburg, Germany after receiving my diploma in computer
science at the same University. Our group participates in the COMPASS
experiment at CERN. The experiments main goal is to investigate the
structure of the nucleon. There I am involved in the physics analysis and
the development of intelligent tracking algorithms. My interests include
statistical learning and its application in HEP.
Yushu Yao |
University of Alberta Canada |
iCSC |
I am a PhD student at University of Alberta, Canada.
Working on Atlas, the "computing part" is on the simulation of LUCID
detector and the Monte Carlo study of some physics processes. Although I’m
still a newcomer to HEP, I have been playing with computers since I was 8
years old. Starting with Basic and DOS, I came across quite a few OS and
several languages, and started programming with C in junior high school.
Programming is one of my most favorite exercises (both mental and physical).
I've get a lot of stories to share with everyone. However, the more I learn,
the more I realize my weaknesses. I’m looking forward for the chance to
learn from all of you.