Tuesday 7 March |
10:05 - 11:00 |
Lecture 2 |
Synchronizing Threads and Processes
The lecture will give an overview of ways and means of synchronizing threads and processes of a parallel application running on a multi-CPU system. It is meant for programmers designing multithreaded applications and willing to learn more about general techniques.
Introduction and Motivation - Example: a Concurrent Web Server - Parallel Execution - Processes and Threads
- Example of Memory Corruption - Critical Section - Hardware Support - the test-and-set Instruction
Means of Synchronization - Mutexes - Bounded Buffer Example - Semaphores - Monitor Objects - Java Monitors - Condition Variables - Bounded Buffer with Monitor Object and Condition
Using Threads - Java - Complete Bounded-Buffer example - C-Language Threads - the pthreads
The new Concurrent Java API
Interprocess Communication in UNIX