Initial Information to Students

Welcome to the CERN School of Computing in Durbrovnik!
Please note the following points.

Dubrovnik, August 19th 2007

Dinner tonight
Tonight, Sunday 19 August 2007, the dinner will start at 20:30 in the hotel restaurant (Restaurant Mediterraneo) in the sea-front building (see attached map).

Ø       Please be on time and wear your badge.

Wear your badge at all time, in particular in the restaurant.

Breakfast, Lunches and Dinners - Coffees
Breakfasts           will be served       from        07:30      to            08:50

Lunches               will be served       from        12:30      until        14:00

Dinners                                will be served       from        20:30      until        21:30

During tuition periods, coffees and drinks will be served near the Lecture or Exercise rooms.

Drinks at lunches and dinners
Waiters will bring non-sparkling mineral water to participants wearing their CSC badges. As CERN will be charged for the exact number of bottles, try and not re-order extra mineral water unnecessarily. Any other drink that would order will be at your own cost (see below: Extra Expenses).

Extra expenses
Any extra expenses including extra beverages, extra meals (e.g. during excursion for those not participating), telephone calls, mini-bar, laundry, room services, … will be a your own cost.

We advise you to pay directly in cash your extra expenses whenever possible. If instead you give your room number for payment at checkout time, be sure to write down your name and sign the bill. This also stands for the use of the minibar in your room. CERN will not arbitrate any conflict between two participants from the same room who would disagree on their respective expenses.

Problems / requests regarding the hotel
In case of general (non-trivial) problem / request / complain regarding the hotel, please contact me first and not the hotel.

Justification of travel expenses
We remind you that for the reimbursement of your travel expenses, you will be asked to provide me, School Administrator, with the justification documents (copy of the transportation tickets and/or invoice - only for 1 public transport, such as airplane, train, bus). Please make sure to keep all the justifications.


The lectures and exercises are held in 2 different rooms in the resort (see attached map).

The tuition starts at 09:00 in the morning and generally at  16:00 in the afternoon…………. be punctual!

Ø       Sign the attendance list at the beginning of every session (09:00, 11:30, 16:00, …)

Computers for exercises
The exercise room is provided with computers for each pair of students. Only these computers can be used for exercises and may be connected to the exercise room wired network. They will have Internet access.

Ø       Your login and password were given to you during your CSC registration (see with Andreas in case of problems)


Laptops and wireless access
Internet wireless access is provided by CERN on the Lecture and Exercise rooms for the students coming with their own laptop.

Ø       If you want to connect to the CERN wireless network, please fill out the form that you will /have/ eceive(d)at your arrival at the hotel and return it on the dedicated table in the lecture room at the opening session, Monday 20th, 09:00.
No Internet access is guaranteed by CERN outside these rooms.



See the programme.

You also have access to the Sauna and Fitness room of the hotel (see attached map).



For all news and announcements, see CSC-Live



Enjoy your stay………!

CERN School of Computing