iCSC2008  Frequently Asked Questions

Why an inverted CSC?

Because we noted that at regular CSCs, the sum of the knowledge of the students often exceeds that of the lecturer teaching at that time, and that it is not infrequent  to find someone in the room who knows more than the lecturer on a particular aspect. Why not to try and exploit this?  This is the idea behind  iCSC, which was prototyped in 2005.

Who will provide lectures?

Only selected CSC2006-2007 students.

When and where?

3-5 March 2008, at CERN,  IT Auditorium (building 31)

Who can attend?

Anyone interested, attendance is fully free

Should I register?

This is not mandatory if you work on the CERN site. But it is highly recommended:  If you do register, you will get a hard-copy of the lecture handouts (first registered, first served). This will also help us for the logistics.

I am not at CERN, may I attend?

Yes with pleasure as long as you are a registered CERN user or staff member provided with a valid CERN access card. If  you have no such CERN access card, please contact Fabienne (dot) Baud-Lavigne (at) cern (dot) ch.

How is the programme organized?

The school lasts two and a half consecutive days. There is one main theme followed by a short session with two special topics.

May I attend only one theme?

Yes of course, attendance is fully free.

May I attend only a few lectures?

Yes. Lectures, though forming a consistent series, are generally structured to be followed rather independently. Some have more "fundamentals" components, other tackle more in-depth topics.

However, to avoid disturbing classes, we ask you to not enter or leave the classroom during lectures. There is always at least a ten-minute break between any two consecutive lectures, so that participants can easily come in or quit the school between lectures.

Will there be handouts?

Yes, a printed version for those who have registered (first registered, first served), and web access for the others.

I am a former CSC2007 student. Anything special for me?

Yes, as a former CSC2007 student in Dubrovnik, if you register, you are welcome to participate in a dinner in Restaurant No. 1 on Monday  3  March at  19.00 hours (to be confirmed)

Where does the programme come from?

CSC2007 students interested in contributing in iCSC-2008 made proposals via an electronic discussion forum. The regular school track coordinators selected the best / most relevant proposals . Theme coordinators were appointed, having responsibility to finalize the content of their theme.

Is there a common dominator between themes?

Yes, the idea is that the lecturers go one step further than the tuition delivered at CSC20047 focusing on novel ideas and technologies. Most of what will be taught at iCSC has rarely or never been taught at CERN before.