Miscellaneous Contests

Tools and Techniques Contest

Winning Team

Melvin Meijer

Tim Muenchen

Special Distinction

Adrian Vogel

Uwe Westerhoff


Creating Secure Software Contest

Winning Team

11 / 11 with 4 "level-1" help requests

David Horat

David Sinuela

Special Distinction

11 / 11 with 5 "level-1" helps requests

Lukasz Janyst

Sebastian Bukowiec


Data Technologies Contest (Contest was run on Exercise 3) (1)

Winning Team - Rank 1

Mark (2):

Gianni Pucciani

Ugur Emrah Surat

Special Distinction - Rank 2

Mark (2):

Lukasz Janyst

Sebastian Bukowiec

Special Distinction - Rank 3

Mark (2):

Melvin Meijer

Tim Muenchen

Special Distinction - Rank 3

Mark (2):

David Horat

David Sinuela

(1) Fastest Parity Check Implementation

(2) Algorithm for obtaining the contest mark:

1.     Students existing binaries were first downloaded to the same desktop machine

2.     Four stripe files were created and parity for a 886 MB archive file

3.     A single byte was modified in the middle of the parity stripe and student’s code was verified

4.     Student’s code was benchmarked in 20 concurrent iterations and the average was measured