1st Mark


Bogolubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev - Ukraine

Domains of scientific activity include:

Unitarization of phenomenological high-energy particle collision models, heavy-ion collision models, Monte-Carlo high-energy particle collisions simulation, Data analysis, Linux computing cluster support and maintenance.
Expertise in  Operating Systems and Programming Languages: Linux (system administration), programming languages: C/C++, python, shell-scripts.


2nd Mark

Luis Fernando MUNOZ MEJĺAS

CERN, Geneva - Switzerland

I am working on a central log service for the Computer Security Team, which should allow for easier identification of ongoing attacks and faster forensics analysis of . For this project I have already developed some modules for rsyslog (in C language), as well as some database designs and queries and scripts to use them (SQL, PL/SQL, Python, C, Perl). This task involves also some understanding on SELinux policies, how to write them and how to enforce minimum privileges. I'm also a skilled C++ programmer, although probably not as efficient as I am in Perl, Python, C and bash scripting which are my "working languages". Occasionally I maintain parts of Quattor for which I'm an author. I'm mostly familiar with Linux at systems administrator, user and low-level application levels, although have some knowledge of Windows.


3rd Mark

Adrian VOGEL

Universität Bonn - Germany


I am currently working on software development for a fast simulation of the ATLAS tracking detectors, which means I'm programming in C++ within the Athena environment. My task is to implement a connection to the conditions data subsystem, allowing dead and noisy channels to be treated properly in the detector simulation. Before that, I worked at DESY and did simulations of beam-induced backgrounds in detectors at the International Linear Collider, trying to estimate the impact of background particles which get created in large amounts during each bunch crossing and which can then smash into the forward instrumentation. For these studies I did Geant4-based programming in C++ as well, but I also needed to deal with MySQL, PHP, XML, and some shell scripting. Furthermore, I gained some experience with the gLite middleware by running my jobs and storing my data on Grid resources.