Alberto Pace,
This series of lectures addresses the broad domain of data storage and management technologies. It starts by setting the scene and surveying the various data storage media, comparing their major features including performance and cost, as well as discussing their interconnections. Then, the series describes possible data storage architectures and the associated software solutions. Focusing on Large Data Centres, it addresses the issues of heating and power consumption. This is followed by a description of storage models and addresses data management issues and their supporting techniques and tools. Finally, the series focuses on reliability and performance of modern Data storage systems. In the course of the series, elements of computer security an authentication that are relevant to data management are also presented. The series of lectures is complemented by 5 hours of practical exercises on aspects such as Performance Tuning and Peer-to-Peer storage. |
Series |
Type |
Lecture |
Description |
Lecturer |
Data Technologies |
Lectures |
Lecture 1 |
Setting the scene: Storage technologies
This lecture is an Introduction to storage technologies. It
presents the different types of storage media, discusses
their respective performance and provides elements of cost
Bernd Panzer |
Lecture 2 |
Architectures of storage systems
The second lecture describes the possible Architectures for
Data Storage systems and the corresponding software
Bernd Panzer | ||
Lecture 3 |
Computer Security and autentication Elements of computer security an authentication that are relevant to data management are presented.
Lecture 4 |
Models and management The lecture presents the various
Storage Models, and the supporting management
techniques including Name Servers, Interfaces for Data
Management (SRM) and Replication tools.
Lecture 5 |
The lecture discusses the aspects of reliability and performance of data storage systems. Il also addresses Peer to Peer Storage.
Exercises |
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5 |
The first part of hands-on exercises aims to improve understanding of basic parameters in IO systems: - network and media latency - access patterns - OS caching - bottlenecks and optimization strategies for local and remote data access.
Few essential Linux tools will be introduced to monitor and measure IO performance avoiding bias introduced by OS caching. Students will experience and measure the impact of latency and access patterns on IO performance.
The second part covers the concept of parallelism and redundancy in storage system. With Measurements we will demonstrate the benefits of parallelism in LAN and WAN environments. The exercises conclude with the implementation and performance tuning of a RAID verification algorithm.
Prerequisite Knowledge |
Desirable prerequisite
References to further information |
to develop simple programs, basic understanding of
networking technologies.