Social Activities at CSC2011

Welcome to the CSC Social Programme

Socialization is one of the key objectives of the CSC. Indeed, creating social links between young computers scientists and physicists will contribute to the strengthening of a consistent community, and indirectly to the creation of a common technical culture, which is a strategic direction to favor mobility and to facilitate the development of large computing-oriented transnational projects

We hope that all students attending the school  will appreciate and participate in the social programme.

Francois Fluckiger, Director of the CERN School of Computing

Social activities are all optional and include:


Organized Outings: Sport and Excursion

Thursday 18 August:
Sport  afternoon

Sunday 21 August
Full-day Excursion to  Excursion to Helsingųr and Kullaberg National Park (Sweden)



Picture Gallery and Photo Contest

Sport Activities

Daily options
Sport afternoon
Mixed-double badminton tournament
Traditional Football match

Special events include
The opening ceremony Mon 15 Aug
The welcome cocktail Mon 15 Aug
The BBQ evening at NBI Historical Building University Tue 18 Aug
The special lunch at Riz Raz restaurant Sat 20 Aug
The special lecture on Quantum Physics TBC TBC
The closing ceremony Fri 26 Aug
The closing dinner Fri 26 Aug