1st Mark
Martin RITTER Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München - Germany
  I am from Germany and studied physics at the LMU Munich.  Currently, I am a PhD student at the Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, working primary on the pixel detector for the upcoming Belle II experiment. My main focus has been to work on the Belle II experiment on detector simulation and optimization, involving the development of the software framework and simulation of the pixel detector.  I am also involved in the mechanical design and cooling of this detector. In addition I'm doing a physics analysis for Belle about the time dependent CP-Violation of B mesons in the channel B0 -> D*+ D*- Ks with the full data set of the Belle experiment. My main development is done on Linux in C++ and python but I have also experience with many other languages (e.g. Java, PHP) and and SQL database systems (e.g. Postgres and MySQL)


2nd Mark
Samuele CARLI CERN, Geneva - Switzerland
  I currently work on the author disambiguation facility for INSPIRE, the CERN's digital library.My work is focused on approximating the solution of a hard, constantly evolving problem using high level techniques, parallel and distributed computing as well as crowd-sourcing based algorithm supervision; this involves research on cutting edge multi-staged data clustering algorithms, exploration of possibilities for optimization and parallelization of such algorithms and research in techniques to allow fast re- computation upon small input data changes. I am familiar with high level languages as Python (main language used in INSPIRE), matlab-like and java as well as C, C++. I am usually working with UNIX like operating systems.  I am as well a M.Sc. student in computer science at Università degli Studi di Firenze specializing in numerical analysis and parallel computing; I have broad and strong interests across many fields, especially physics, mathematics and electronics.


3rd Mark
Martin HELLMICH CERN, Geneva - Switzerland
  I am currently a fellow in the Grid Data Management section at CERN. I am involved in EUDAT, a project to design and build a common data infrastructure for researchers in Europe.  I studied Computer Science in Magdeburg, Germany and Distributed Scientific Computing in Edinburgh. The latter brought him in contact with the WLCG and CERN, so I decided for a openlab internship. My interests lie in large-scale data management and processing, as well as machine learning and all its applications. If I do not work, I am either biking or skiing, depending on the weather.