How to view and post pictures

An application is available to post and browse the pictures of the school.


To view pictures


Go simply to the 
CSC2012 Photo Gallery

During the school, the CSC Photo gallery is on  the CSC server at CERN, and will remain available .. hopefully as long as CERN remains in existence.

Picture from CSC2006, Helsinki

To post pictures


You will find below all the steps to post your pictures on the Gallery. Should you have any problems/doubt, don't hesitate to email or to directly contact Aubry Cholleton



The pictures are stored in the
CSC2012 Photo Gallery


To view and post pictures, you must register (top right link). You will be asked to choose a "Full name". We advise to choose a "Full name" which will allow us to know who you are (simplest is to use as name your first name followed by last name).


An album will  be automatically created for you.  In case of problems, contact Aubry Cholleton.


After logging in, you can add pictures to your album, as well as create sub-albums into your own album (clicking on "Add Album"). Try and make good use of albums (with meaningful names) so that the Gallery is kept organized.


After creating an album, you have access to a set of options on the left hand side of the page, namely "Add Items".


If you create your own albums, you can customize the permissions related to it.


We rely on the common sense of the participants to only post appropriate pictures.
In case you consider that an inappropriate picture of yourself has been posted, please contact directly the picture author.