CERN School of Computing 2012
13-24 August, Uppsala, Sweden

 General Introduction to Physics Computing




Whole series

General Introduction to Physics Computing

The two lectures give an overview of the software and hardware components required for the processing of the experimental data, from the source - the detector - to the physics analysis. The emphasis is on the concepts, but some implementation details are discussed as well. The key concept is data reduction, both in terms of rate and in terms of information density. The various algorithms used for data reduction, both online and offline, are described. The flow of the real data is the main topic, but the need for and the production of simulated data is discussed as well.

Are Strandlie

Lecture 1

Event filtering

The first lecture deals with the multi-level event filters (triggers) that are used to select the physically interesting events and to bring down the event rate to an acceptable figure. Some examples of the hardware and software that is deployed by the LHC experiments are presented.

Are Strandlie

Lecture 2

Reconstruction and simulation

The second lecture describes the various stages of event reconstruction, including calibration and alignment. The emphasis is on algorithms and data structures. The need for large amounts of simulated data is explained. The lecture concludes with a brief resume of the principles of physics analysis and the tools that are currently employed.

Are Strandlie




Desirable Prerequisite

Basic knowledge of experimental science



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