Photos Contest t2013

The CSC photo contest is now a tradition at CSCs and it has been running since 2003.

When posting pictures on the Photo Gallery* (special Photo Contest album), any CSC participant (student, lecturer or organizer) may  compete for the  photo contest. The popular vote together with a jury will select what they think being the winning pictures, possibly according to two categories:

Category Art

The best artistic photograph

Category People

The best photograph showing CSC people


For both categories, the winners will be announced and prizes handed over to them at the Closing Dinner the last Friday.

The winning pictures in thematic CSC 2013
Category Art  René MEUSEL  

Many thanks to those who voted and  to the members of the thematic 2013 Jury:



The winning picture in 2012

Category People

Nikolaos Kasioumis


Many thanks to those who voted and  to the members of the 2012 Jury: Alvarez Granda EliasAdde GeoffrayPetrova Petya, Fabienne Baud-Lavigne


Previous years contest

Result of the 2003 Contest

Result of the 2004 Contest

Result of the 2005 Contest

Result of the 2006 Contest

Result of the 2007 Contest

Result of the 2008 Contest

Result of the 2009 Contest
Result of the 2010 Contest

Result of the 2011 Contest