CSC Organisation and People at tCSC2013
Institutions involved in tCSC2013 organisation
People involved in tCSC2013 organisation
All organizers with their biography |
tCSC2013 is an event organized under the supervision of the CSC Executive Committee 2013 | |||
Chair-person | Ivica Puljak | University of Split (FESB) | |
Ex-officio AC members | François Flückiger | School Director | CERN |
Giuseppe Lo Presti |
Technical Manager |
CERN | |
Frédéric Hemmer | Head, IT Department | CERN | |
Examination Coordinator | Ivica Puljak | University of Split (FESB) | |
Track Coordinators | Sebastian Lopienski | Base Technologies Theme | CERN |
Pere Mato | Base Technologies Theme | CERN | |
Alberto Pace | Data Technologies Theme | CERN | |
Arnulf Quadt | Physics Computing Theme | University of Göttingen | |
Are Strandlie | Physics Computing Theme | Gjĝvik University College |