



Lecture 1

Internet QoS options

Improving Quality of Service guarantees and performances in data network is a key requirement of Grid computing. Indeed, fast transfers require high-bit rate connections, and grid operation requires network predictability and high availability. On the other hand, the Internet historical technology is not naturally best suited to deterministic behaviour. This lecture explains the technical challenges and the range of options available to improve QoS guarantees in Internet-based networks.

François Fluckiger

Lecture 2

Multimedia over the Internet

The Grid is not only a network of computer resources but also a network of people cooperating to use these resources. Part of the collaborative tools scientists are increasingly using include audio and video systems. They place new challenging requirements on the networking systems. The class discusses these requirements and their consequences on the end-systems as well as within the underlying network.

François Fluckiger




Desirable Prerequisite

Participants will draw maximum benefits from the lectures if they have a fair knowledge of computer network principles, in particular the concepts of

  • Networking layering

  • Internet transport infrastructure (e.g. mesh topology, routers, links)

  • Internet layers (e.g. differences between PPP, IP, UDP, TCP)


  • Computer Networks, Ed. 4
    Andrew Tannenbaum, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-130-661023

  • Internetworking with TCP/IP, vol 1
    Douglas E. Commer, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-130-183806

  • Understanding Networked Multimedia
    Francois Fluckiger, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-131-90992-4


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