My first exposure to working with computers came from blowing into the
cartridge of my Nintendo back in 1989. A few years later I had upgraded
and was learning the intricacies of my 486 I spent all summer saving
for. Since then, I have fiddled around with careers in music, football,
and ultimate, but I have always had a computer at my side. I graduated
from the University of Colorado with degrees in physics and saxophone
performance (BA,BM). I continued my studies in physics at the University
of Notre Dame (M.Sc.), and finished them at the University of Washington
where I defended my search for the associated production of a vector and
Higgs Boson, research conducted as a member of the D-Zero collaboration,
as my doctoral thesis. Now I am a fellow at DESY working on the CMS
experiment in Top quark studies and hardware upgrades. As always, my
trusty computer aids me at every step, I am looking forward to learning
more about it! |