KUNZE Jonas Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz - Germany
  I am a German Physicist and PhD student working for the NA62 Experiment at CERN and as Linux administrator at Mainz, Germany. During my diploma thesis I have developed the PC-Farm and software framework for the online trigger of NA62. Through this work I have become an expert in network and parallel programming and my thesis has been honored with an award. Within my current work I am analyzing the feasibility of using commodity processors within low-level triggers at high-energy physics experiments like NA62, LHCb and ATLAS. Using processors enables it to use general-purpose programming languages like C++ for low-level trigger algorithms instead of hardware description languages like VHDL. This would facilitate the handling of low-level triggers and potentially reduce acquisition costs. Privately I have developed the social network www.metalcon.de which has become the biggest German database concerning heavy metal music.