POROBIC Tomica |
IKS, KU, Leuven - Belgium |
work at the WITCH experiment, located at the ISOLDE/CERN laboratory.
WITCH (Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles) is a double Penning
trap system with a retardation spectrometer, dedicated to the
measurement of fundamental constants of the weak interaction. Within the
Standard Model, beta decay is described by the V-A interaction. Other
interaction types (scalar, tensor) are allowed by the Lorentz
invariance, and still not experimentally excluded to a high degree of
precision. WITCH is dedicated to study these exotic beyond the Standard
Model components of the weak interaction by measuring the recoil energy
of daughter ions in the beta decay of 35Ar. The experiment is currently
in the data-taking phase, with the latest beam time ending in 11/2012.
My main tasks are data-taking, data analysis, maintenance of the Control
System (based on the GSI's CS framework), and maintenance of the
apparatus. I am familiar with Windows and Linux OS's, and C++, Labview
languages and ROOT. |