Highest Mark
2013 |
Charles University,
Prague - Czech Republic |
I am a first year particle physics PhD student working on the Belle &
Belle II experiments at the KEKB accelerator in Japan. My task at Belle
is a time-dependent angular CP violation analysis of a specific decay of
neutral B mesons. At Belle II I contribute to the analysis software used
to test the upcoming Belle II pixel detectors (DEPFET technology). Both
projects utilize C++ with extensive use of the ROOT framework libraries,
Python and Bash/csh. I have reasonable experience with Mathematica,
which I use to speed up some of the more tedious analytical
calculations, and Linux OS administration, as it has been my OS of
choice for ~7 years. |
Highest Mark
2013 |
CHYTKA Ladislav |
Palacký University, Olomouc - Czech Republic |
I am a PhD student at Palacký University in Olomouc and a member of
ATLAS experiment where I am an active member of the ALFA and AFP
detector groups. My main task is currently an implementation of the
model of ATLAS forward region - beam pipe and magnet elements - under
the Athena framework to allow full (Geant4 based) simulation together
with all existing forward detectors. I also help with an implementation
of the AFP model under the Athena and with preparatory simulations of
AFP. |
Highest Mark
2013 |
JINR, Dubna -
Russia |
I have always been interested in both physics and computer science. As I
enrolled in Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology (MIPT) I
sometimes dreamed of being able to simulate a macroscopic object from
the quark level up. Another topic I am very interested in is machine
learning. As part of getting my degree I studied and worked at Joint
Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). After graduating in 2011 I
continued working at JINR and started my PhD there. At the same time I
shifted focus from physics to IT. Most of my work done at JINR is
related to WLCG, CERN and monitoring. I took part in Tier3 monitoring,
XRootD federation monitoring and data transfer monitoring projects.
Right now I am involved in an effort to integrate HBase and Hadoop as a
Dashboard back-end and use it for data transfer monitoring. |
Highest Mark
2013 |
PERREY Hanno |
DESY, Hamburg - Germany |
I am currently working as Fellow at DESY in Hamburg, Germany. My main
activities are test beam studies for the CMS phase-I pixel barrel
upgrade and the development of a high-rate pixel beam telescope within
the European AIDA project. Together with a colleague I coordinate the
development on EUTelescope, a generic test beam data analysis framework
based on ILCSoft's Marlin application framework and written in C++. I
also work on improvements and modifications of EUDAQ, a flexible and
multi-threaded data acquisition framework written in C++, used in the
telescope data taking. Both EUTelescope and EUDAQ are in use by various
groups, and I participate in the user support. For the CMS test beam
studies I work on the client-side test suit software that communicates
with the testboard/ROC, mainly on UI and USB communication. |
Highest Mark
2013 |
RUEDA Laura |
CERN, Geneva -
Switzerland |
I graduated BSc+MSc in Computer Engineering from the Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid in Spain and I am currently studying for a divengent
second MSc in Information and Knowledge Society at the Universitat
Oberta de Catalunya. I started working at CERN as a technical student in
the IT-CIS-DLT section for the EU Project CRISP and now, I am a fellow
in the GS-SIS-OA group. I am currently working for the EU Project ODIN
on designing an interoperability network of persistent identifiers that
will ease the reuse of data in the scientific community. These
developments would enhance the HEP information system INSPIRE. My
background includes experience in communication and social networks and
I am particularly interested in how technology can help to overcome
scientific and social challenges. |