Lecture 2

GPU computing and its applications in High Energy Physics

Lecture: Use of GPUs for triggering in HEP experiments

A few questions addressed in the lecture

Monday  25 February


11:30 12:25


Use of GPUs for triggering in HEP experiments

Felice Pantaleo


This lecture describes a pilot project for the use of GPUs in a real-time triggering application in the early trigger stages at the
NA62 experiment at CERN, and the results of the first field tests together with a prototype data acquisition (DAQ) system.

This pilot project within NA62 aims at integrating GPUs into the central L0 trigger processor, and also to use them as fast online processors for computing trigger primitives. The online use of GPUs would allow the computation of more complex trigger primitives already at this first trigger level.

Audience and benefits
This lecture targets physicists and engineers who are involved in the design of future triggering systems.


After this lecture, the attendees are expected to have a good understanding of the reason why GPUs are considered a key technology for the development of a "software-based" triggering system.


Pre-requisite knowledge and dependencies
Participants having not attended lecture 1 may have difficulties to fully follow this lecture, if they are not somewhat familiar with GPU programming principles and abstractions.