Samuele CARLI |
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
I currently work on the author disambiguation facility for INSPIRE,
the CERN's digital library.My work is focused on approximating the solution
of a hard, constantly evolving problem using high level techniques, parallel
and distributed computing as well as crowd-sourcing based algorithm
supervision; this involves research on cutting edge multi-staged data
clustering algorithms, exploration of possibilities for optimization and
parallelization of such algorithms and research in techniques to allow fast
re- computation upon small input data changes. I am familiar with high level
languages as Python (main language used in INSPIRE), matlab-like and java as
well as C, C++. I am usually working with UNIX like operating systems. I am
as well a M.Sc. student in computer science at Università degli Studi di
Firenze specializing in numerical analysis and parallel computing; I have
broad and strong interests across many fields, especially physics,
mathematics and electronics.
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
I am currently working as a fellow in the CERN IT department for the
Experiment Support group. The majority of my effort is in the development
and integration of a common framework used to handle the analysis of the LHC
experiments data distributed over the Grid. In the past I've been working in
the CMS workload management system, taking care of the end user analysis.
The underlying infrastructure of these tools is written in Python
programming language and introduces a multilayered server environment which
uses new technologies such as NoSQL databases (namely CouchDB) and RESTFull
based web services. Another of my current responsibility is the evaluation
of Cloud computing resources usage for the LHC experiments workflows. During
my fellowship I have also contributed to the Experiment Dashboard by
improving its job monitoring reliability and implement the Oracle routines
to handle the data popularity information.
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
I am currently a fellow in the Grid Data Management section at CERN. I
am involved in EUDAT, a project to design and build a common data
infrastructure for researchers in Europe. I studied Computer Science in
Magdeburg, Germany and Distributed Scientific Computing in Edinburgh. The
latter brought him in contact with the WLCG and CERN, so I decided for a
openlab internship. My interests lie in large-scale data management and
processing, as well as machine learning and all its applications. If I do
not work, I am either biking or skiing, depending on the weather.
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
I work at the IT-ES group, in which I am the main developer and coordinator
of HammerCloud, the functional testing tool for grid sites of ATLAS, CMS and
LHCb. This tool submits more than 115,000 grid jobs world-wide daily and has
improved the ATLAS analysis reliability by 50%. Also, I'm involved in the
HelixNebula project, to develop a cloud computing infrastructure for
science. Finally, I'm becoming an ATLAS Computing Manager on Duty. I
finished past year my Research MSc, after obtaining a MSc in Computing in
Spain and currently I am also working on my PhD. Before CERN, I have worked
at Google. I use, administer and maintain a cluster of 17 machines for
HammerCloud, work with shell scripting, Python, SQL, high replication and
high performance clusters.
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
I am a technical student in PH-SFT group at CERN and MSc student in High
Energy Physics at the University of Pisa. I am currently working on the
development of a real-time software Level 0 trigger using multicore CPUs,
accelerators and high performance networks for the NA62 experiment at CERN.
Since 2010 I have worked with CERN openlab on parallelization of RooFit and
on numerical accuracy of Minuit. I have good experience with: C, C++,
Python, Perl and bash scripting. Parallel extensions: OpenMP, CUDA, OpenCL,
TBB, pThreads, MPI.