CERN School of Computing 1995 - BULLETIN No. 2

Date and place of the School

The eighteenth CERN School of Computing will be held at the:

Centre Van Gogh in Arles, France,
from Sunday 20 August to Saturday 2 September 1995.
The participants will be accommodated in the Hotel Atrium situated in the centre of Arles, a very attractive and historic town. The hotel is modern, with a swimming pool, and is a very short walk away from the Espace Van Gogh where the lectures and tutorials will take place.

About Arles...

Arles is one of the most visited cities in the world because of its impressive history which dates back to prehistory. The great poet, Frederic Mistral, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, spoke of it in these terms, "All it is possible to be, metropolis of an empire, capital of a kingdom, and mother of liberty." Arles has the good fortune to have preserved most of its prestigious Roman and romanesque monuments, now registered by UNESCO as part of the Word Heritage, such as:

Arles is also the city where the genius of Vincent Van Gogh reached full bloom.

The municipality has repurchased the former hospital where the artist convalesced, and has transformed it into a cultural centre, the Espace Van Gogh, where books, culture and communications reign supreme. One wing has been especially arranged to exhibit unique and exceptional works of art under optimum conditions of security. It is here that, in 1989, an exhibit was organized on "Van Gogh in Arles" which was an undreamed-of success, attracting 200,000 visitors to pay homage to the tumultuous and impassioned painter. This cultural centre is also a University Centre and the CERN School of Computing will take place there.

At the time of the School, the new Research Institute on Ancient Provence will have available information dating right back to Arles' origins.

In ancient times, Arles was a real mediterranean harbour via an access to some sort of inland sea fed by the Rhone river floods. Arles is today situated at the top of the delta mouth of the Rhone river, called the Camargue region, a strange world, a mixture of earth and sea, homeland of wild horses, bulls, and birds in thousands.

MR - 10 APR 95 :-)

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