CSC2002 Program  Argonne National Laboratory
Ernesto Burattini Istituto di Cibernetica of - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche   Evening Lecture
  Ernesto Burattini, upon completion of his graduate education (Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica at the University of Naples), began working as researcher at the Istituto di Cibernetica of - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) where he is now Senior Researcher and Head of Research Group "Theory and Techniques of Knowledge Representation". From next November he will be full professor of "Informatics" at the University of Naples "Federico II", Faculty of Science. He has directed many research units in the frame of Italian National Projects. He was also General Secretary of the AI*IA (Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale) for the 1994-1995. His research interest include artificial intelligence, neural networks, hybrid systems, knowledge representation and hypertexts. He has lectured on Artificial Intelligence and Hypertext Systems in Italy, France and England. He organised many conferences and schools. Among others the ACAI'93 (Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence - 1993) on behalf of ECAI (European Committee for Artificial Intelligence) and the VIth National Congress of AI*IA (Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale - 1996). 

He has published more then 100 papers, among which:


1. Burattini E. - "Intelligenza Artificiale e Recupero Edilizio, ed. Giannini., 1994.

2. Aiello A., Burattini E., Tamburrini G. -"Neural Networks and Rule-Based Systems", in Fuzzy Logic and Expert Systems Applications, Eds. C.T. Leondes, Academic Press, p. 123-174, 1998.

3. Burattini E. - Leggere e scrivere ipertesti, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2001.

4. Burattini E., De Gregorio M., Tamburrini G. -"Hybrid Expert Systems: an approach to combining neural computation and rule-based reasoning", in Expert Systems and Applications, ed. C.T. Leondes, Gordon & Breach, 2001.

5. Burattini E., Cordeschi R. eds. - Introduzione all'Intelligenza Artificiale per le discipline umanistiche, contributi di S. Bagnara, G. Boccignone, E. Burattini, A. Elia, L. Carlucci Aiello, C. Castelfranchi, M. Frixione, E. Pessa, O. Stock, G. Tamburrini, et al. ed. Carocci, 2002.


Last edited: 07-Apr-03