CSC2002 Program Lecturers and their biographies
Federico Carminati  CERN DP From Detectors to Physics papers
  Federico Carminati obtained the Italian doctors degree in High Energy Physics at the University of Pavia in 1981. After working as an experimental physicist at CERN, Los Alamos and CalTech, he was hired at CERN were he has been responsible for the development and support of the CERN Program Library and the GEANT3 detector simulation MonteCarlo. From 1994 to 1998 he has participated in the design of the Energy Amplifier under the guidance of Prof. C.Rubbia (1984 Nobel Physics Laureate) in the development of innovative MonteCarlo techniques for the simulation of accelerator driven fission machines, and of the related fuel cycle. In January 1998 he has joined the ALICE collaboration at LHC assuming the leadership of the ALICE software and computing project. Since January 2001 he is holding the position of Work Package Manager in the European DataGRID project. He is responsible for the High Energy Physics Application Work Package whose aim is to deploy large scale distributed HEP applications using the GRID technology.

Last edited: 07-Apr-03