CSC2003 Programme Lecture Series Description



Lectures Grid Technologies                E.Laure H.Stockinger K.Stockinger     6 hours

The Grid Technologies series of lecturers covers several aspects of Grid computing and provides the ability to get hand-on experience with modern Grid tools. A major part will be dedicated to Grid software that has been produced within the the EU  DataGrid project (EDG).  EDG has as its aim to develop a large-scale research testbed for Grid computing. The project is in its final phase and a testbed spanning some ten major sites all over Europe has been up and running continuously since the beginning of 2002. The tutorials will present the EDG software architecture and discuss the interplay of basic grid software (Globus, Condor), higher level EDG middleware, and application software on the EDG testbed. Emphasis will be put on specific middleware issues in job submission and data management as well as on EDG's security architecture. In several exercises students will learn how to use Grid tools for their distributed data or computing intensive applications. In addition, two optional hours of exercises will be proposed to students, focusing on network performance aspects of the Grid.

  GT-GT-L-1 Introduction to the Grid Track, Grid computing and overview of the DataGrid project

Overview about the Grid Track, it's lectures, Grid computing in general and the European DataGrid project (EDG). The project organisation with partners and the general architecture is described. In addition, related as well as partner projects are outlined.

  GT-GT-L-2 Security Issues and Overview of the EDG Testbed

Secure access to Grid resources is a major issue and one of the first things a user has to deal with when starting to use the Grid, i.e. the EDG testbed. A basic overview about current security solutions in the EDG project is given. Furthermore, EDG deploys a large-scale testbed that spans several sites at various places all over Europe. Definitions are given about what Grid services and resources are available and where they can be used. A detailed overview about the testbed is given.
  GT-GT-L-3 Job Submission / Workload Management

Most of the users of the EDG software interact with the EDG software system by submitting their jobs (executable programs) to a Resource Broker which does a matchmaking on available and requested resources and then dispatches jobs to resources in the testbed. This lecture provides background about the work load management software system and details about how job submission is done using the EDG software system.
  GT-GT-L-4 Data Management

One of the main objectives of a Data Grid is the management of large distributed data stores. This lecture gives an overview about replica and meta data management as well as the software tools provided by EDG to deal with data management problems.
  GT-GT-L-5 Information Systems - Software Installation/Configuration

In a Grid environment, there are several hardware and software resources that can be used by end users as well as Grid services and applications. Information systems are used to keep track of resources and also to monitor the current status. The EDG solution is outlined in detail and how end user can interact with it.
The second part covers the first part of Software Installation/Configuration:
This lecture gives a very brief introduction to installation and
configuration of EDG software tools.
  GT-GT-L-6 Software Installation/Configuration II - Applications on the Grid

Second part of Software Installation/Configuration. In the EDG project, three major application domains are supported: High Energy Physics, Earth Observation and Biomedical Applications. The talk gives a brief overview about these applications and how they use and have used Grid tools.


Exercises Exercises on Grid Technologies           E.LaureH.Stockinger K.Stockinger     6 hours
  GT-GT-E-1 Hands-on exercise on Job submission

Practical exercises where participants will actively use DataGrid
Software for solving Job Submission exercises.

  GT-GT-E-3 Hands-on exercise on Data Management and Information Services

Practical exercises where participants will actively use DataGrid Software for
solving data management and information service exercises
  GT-GT-E-5 Follow-up of exercises E-1 and E-2
  GT-GT-E-6 Follow-up of exercises E-3 and E-24
Mini-project                                           E.LaureH.Stockinger K.Stockinger     2 hours
  GT-MP-E1 In this project students will try to use their specific applications
and run them on the EDG DataGrid testbed. More details will be given
based on what students have achieved during the school
Exercises on Network Performances      E.Laure H.Stockinger K.Stockinger     2 hours
  GT-NP-E-1 In these two exercises students will learn how to tune Grid tools in
order to optimise network bandwidth consumptions and how to reduce
access latency for wide-area applications

Italics: Optional lectures 

Last edited: 26-May-03 .