Who are the CSC students?
Students apply to the CSC from all over the world. The selection
process takes into account the technical background of the applicants, their
age, areas of work and interest, expectations, geographical origin and gender.
The objective of the selection process is to maximize
diversity, as a source of enrichment and cross fertilization, whilst avoiding
excessive discrepancies between knowledge level and expectations, what may be a
source of frustration for students.
The diversity of the attending scientists has four
dimensions (figures below apply to the recent years):
Professional origin |
About 90% of the students come from a
research institute or laboratory, and 10% come from Industry. However, the ratio has increased over
the past couple of years, essentially due to the proposed themes,
progressively shifting to more Grid-related technologies. |
Professional experience |
About 50% with less than four years of
experience, 30% with from 4 to 10 years of experience, 20% with more than 10
years of experience |
Geographical origin |
Students typically are of 15 to 25 different
nationalities at a given school (see below). |
Gender |
Between 12 and 20% of the scientists
attending the last editions of the school were female. Actions are engaged to
increase this ratio. |
Universality of the student origin
Though about 80% of the
students come from European Union countries, the CERN Schools of Computing
attract students from all over the world.
The following table
provides, over the four past years, the list of country of origin of the
researchers and engineers.
School |
Number of
origin countries |
List of
origin countries |
CSC1999 |
19 |
Armenia, Austria, Brazil,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Moldova, Morocco, Portugal, Romania,
Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Ukraine, USA |
CSC2000 |
22 |
Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, France, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan,
Mexico, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands,
Ukraine, USA, Venezuela |
CSC2001 |
15 |
Czech Republic, Finland,
France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovak
Republic, Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA |
CSC2002 |
13 |
Czech Republic, Finland, France,
Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland, United
Kingdom, USA |
CSC2003 |
25 |
Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Italy, Morocco, Pakistan, People's Republic of China,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, The
Netherlands , United Kingdom, USA |
Five-year Period 1999-2003 |
39 |
Armenia, Austria, Belgium,
Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico,
Moldova, Morocco, Norway, Pakistan, People's Republic of China, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, The Netherlands , United
Kingdom, Ukraine, USA, Venezuela |
Applications from women are always regarded very favourably.
The table below gives of The percentage of female having attended the school over
the past years.
School |
% of female students |
CSC1999 |
12 |
CSC2000 |
13 |
CSC2001 |
10 |
CSC2002 |
20 |
CSC2002 |
17 |