Exercise 3 – Demonstration of a test framework


Goal: Gain familiarity with a typical test framework


First, create a local copy of the exercise files.


tar xf ~jake/CSC/exercise3.tar

cd exercise3

source setup.sh


You’ll find our sum-of-primes example in the file SumPrimes.java. Its been recast as a Java class. To compile and run it, printing the sum of primes less than 7:



java SumPrimes 7


If you want to see the actual compilation commands used, look inside the “build” file. Note that this is just recompiling everything and leaving the resulting machine-readable files in the current directory. This is a fine approach in a simple project like this exercise; larger projects will use some form of “make” tool to do this smarter and more efficiently.


The file TestSumPrimes.java contains the code to setup JUnit, plus a single test. Take a look at it, and see if you understand what it contains. You can run it with or without a GUI, depending on whether you provide an extra argument. To invoke the GUI:


java TestSumPrimes g


or in command-line form, which is faster:


java TestSumPrimes


In its initial form, the test just makes sure that you can create a SumPrimes object, and passes. There are commented-out tests that will fail in the manner we discussed in lecture. Remove the leading // from those lines, and watch the test fail when you run it:


(edit the TestSumPrimes.java file)


java TestSumPrimes g


Isn’t that red bar ugly? Now fix the bug(s) (Hints: its OK for a prime number to be divisible by one; there are two other bugs), and see a lovely green bar. Finally, add a couple more tests to check other ranges. (The sum of primes from 1 to 20 is 78)





*) It might be simpler to separate development and test of the "is N prime?" code from the "check the sum over a range" code.


*) Its OK for a prime number to be divisible by 1.


*) If you try to divide a prime number by itself, you'll find that the remainder is zero.