iCSC2005 Schedule


  Wednesday 23 Thursday 24 Friday 25


Data Management and DataBase Technologies Advanced  Software Development & Engineering Web Services in Distributed Computing
Zornitsa Zaharieva
Brice Copy
Gerhard Brandt
University of Heidelberg
Ioannis Baltopoulos
Imperial College
09:00 - 09:55 School opening
Theme presentations

Entreprise Computing Introduction

Giovanni Chierico

Introduction to Web Services

Ioannis Baltopoulos

10:05 - 11:00

Fundamentals of Database Design

Zornitsa Zaharieva

Design Patterns

Ruben Leivas  Ledo
Brice Copy

Consuming, Providing & Publishing Web Services

Ioannis Baltopoulos

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:25

SQL: basics and recent advances

Miguel Anjo

Security in Computer Applications

Sebastian Lopienski

Advanced Issues and Future Trends

Ioannis Baltopoulos

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00 - 14:55

Advanced Database Features

Zornitsa Zaharieva
Miguel Anjo

Change Control: Iterative Development/Advance CVS

Brice Copy
Sebastian Lopienski

Debugging Techniques 1

Paolo Adragna

15:05 - 16:00

Performance Optimization and Tuning 

Michal Kwiatek

Semi-interactive session on integration

Brice Copy

Debugging Techniques 2
Code Reviews Best Practices

Paolo Adragna
Gerhard Brandt

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Wrap-up and school closing
16:30 - 17:25

Data Mining: Extracting Knowledge from Data 

Petr Olmer

Panel discussion:
Are novel Software Development techniques relevant to HEP?"

With all theme coordinators

17:30 - 18:30      
18:30 - 19:30   Cocktail (all participants invited)
Restaurant 1
19:30 Dinner with CSC2004 participants and iCSC2005 lecturers