iCSC2006 Software Testing: Fundamentals and Best Practices Theme

Details of all lectures

Testing Process and Management


Wednesday 8 march

09:00 - 09:55 Lecture 1

Testing Process and Management


Vijayalakshmi Sundararajan

This lecture will cover the testing processes and methods which will help to improve the quality of software.  


Quality Software doesn’t happen – it has to be planned”.


In the scientific environment, good testing and test planning will result in more accurate and reliable results.


This lecture targets a broader audience whoever is involved in software development. It will help you to take your software testing into the next level.


Principles of Testing

- What is Testing

-  Why testing is necessary

- Cost of Errors

- Fundamental Test Process

- Prioritization of Testing


Testing in the Software Development Lifecycle

- The V-Model

- Economics of testing

- High level Test Planning

- Acceptance Testing

- Functional and Non-Functional System Testing

- Integration Testing in the Small


Test Management

- Organization

- Configuration Management
- Test estimation, Monitoring and Control
- Incident Management

Testing Techniques and Tools


Wednesday 8 march

10:05 - 11:00 Lecture 2

Testing Techniques and Tools


Vijayalakshmi Sundararajan

The aim of this lecture is to describe various software testing techniques. It will describe structural testing techniques as well as error guessing. This lecture is also intended to give you a flavor of the many different types of computer aided testing tools available.


This lecture targets an audience with a software background and experience.


Dynamic Testing Techniques

- Black Box Test Techniques
- White Box Test Techniques
- Error guessing


Static Testing

- Reviews and Types of reviews
- Fagan Inspection method
- Static Analysis


Tool Support for Testing

- Types of CAST tool : Requirements testing; Static analysis; Test design; Data      preparation; Character-based test running; GUI test running; Test harnesses, drivers and simulators; Performance testing; Dynamic analysis; Debugging; Comparison; Test management; Coverage measurement.

- Tool selection and implementation