Information Security Evening

27th of August, 19:30
GUC Campus, Student house (Huset)

The Information Security Group - which is the Norwegian Information Security Laboratory (NISlab)- is organizing, in collaboration with Security Valley,  a special thematic evening for the CSC participants, at 19:30, in the Student House of the GUC Campus.

The objective is twofold:

  1. Present information on Information Security activities and unique opportunities for studies and PhDs positions in the Gjøvik NISlab

  2. Provide a socialization opportunity between CSC participants and Gjøvik researchers.

When 19:30

Student house (Huset), GUC Campus

  • Presentation of NISlab and Security Valley activities and studies/job opportunities
  • Pizza and bier party
Organizers Norwegian Information Security Laboratory (NISlab), in  collaboration with Security Valley
Coordinator Erik Hjelmaas, Associate professor, NISlab
Presenters Einar Snekkenes, Professor, Dr. philos., NISlab, (840-9 "Risk analysis")
Stephen Wolthusen, Professor, PhD, NISlab, (815-840 "Securing tactical networks")
Morten Schjeldrup, Security Valley, (8-815 "Security Valley")
Other participants Members of NISlab team


Map GUC Campus

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