Free Afternoon Aquatic centre

20th of August
Select your option before Tuesday 18, 11:00  
Even you do not intend to participate in any activity, please reply on the form

Vouchers only provided to registered participants

Two classes of  options proposed (third one is to not join at all): a choice of sport activities or free afternoon in Göttingen major indoor Aquatic Centre

Class S

A choice of 5 possible sport activities


Class F

Free afternoon in Göttingen major indoor Aquatic Centre

Vouchers will be provided to the registered participants
Transportation to and from the site  either by public bus or by CSC Bus (TBC)

BadeParadies is a major Aquatic Centre in Göttingen 

The centre offers a range or pools, water games, ...

The vouchers provided to the registered participants will include access to the Sauna Area

Sauna Area

Main Entrance

Full size map
Direction to BadeParadies, Göttingen