CERN School of Computing 2012
13-24 August, Uppsala, Sweden

Pub Crawl

Luca Cervigni is organizing a Pub Crawl tonight after dinner.

Do not miss it. Full details in his email. below


From: Luca Cervigni
Sent: 15 August 2012 09:50
To: CSC-2012-students (Selected students 2012)
Cc: Francois Fluckiger
Subject: CSC Pub Crawl - Tonight Wed 15th Aug



Let's go out tonight all together?

I suggest we leave from our hotel at 21:15.
All pub 'should' be open and they close around midnight/1AM so we should have enough time to visit most of them!

For whom don't know:

Possible itinerary: ( it's not really necessary to do them all! )

1) Pub 19 -
Svartbäcksgatan 19
753 32 Uppsala

2) Pitcher's -
Påvel Snickares gränd 1
753 20 Uppsala

3) William's -
Åsgränd 5
753 10 Uppsala

4) O'connors -
Stora Torget 1,
753 20 Uppsala

5) Buddy's -
Dragarbrunnsgatan 53
753 20 Uppsala    

If someone have other ideas or good known pubs/bar to 'visit' during the night let me know!
My phone: +41 764878807

Cheers, Luca Cervigni




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