Teodor IVANOAICA National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering Horia Hulubei – Romania
  I graduated the Faculty of Physics Bucharest, also master's degree in physical computing.  At this time I am working as grid site administrator and security officer for Romania's LHCb Collaboration grid site, a site that is completely dedicated to the LHCb VO, also I am trying to offer support for all the software and hardware requirements that the group has. I am also one of the administrators for a bigger grid site that supports almost all CERN's VO's and also local VO's for users that want to run jobs in grid. I am in charge with upgrading and backing up the main services and data bases of our sites. I am CCNA (Cisco Certified Networking Associated, also CCAI the instructor certification for CISCO Academies) and I intend to become a Certified Networking Professional as we are trying to improve our sites connectivity. As future plan I am beginning to study the DIRAC system and data management as the group, which I am part of, is growing and also the grid site will need to meet all theri demands.

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