CERN School of Computing 2013
19-30 August, Nicosia, Cyprus

CERVENKOV Daniel Charles University, Prague - Czech Republic
  I am a first year particle physics PhD student working on the Belle & Belle II experiments at the KEKB accelerator in Japan. My task at Belle is a time-dependent angular CP violation analysis of a specific decay of neutral B mesons. At Belle II I contribute to the analysis software used to test the upcoming Belle II pixel detectors (DEPFET technology). Both projects utilize C++ with extensive use of the ROOT framework libraries, Python and Bash/csh. I have reasonable experience with Mathematica, which I use to speed up some of the more tedious analytical calculations, and Linux OS administration, as it has been my OS of choice for ~7 years.

     Summarized list

     Bios - From A to C    

     Bios from D to K      

     Bios from L to M   

     Bios from N to Z      


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