1st  Thematic CERN School of Computing 2013
3-7 June 2013, Split, Croatia

The First thematic CERN School of Computing
3rd -7th June 2013, Split, Croatia

Organised by CERN in collaboration with the  University of Split (FESB)

Mastering State of the Art Computing

is the first edition of a novel concept prototyped for the first time in Split in June 2013:

♦  A short school (one week)

♦  A limited number or participants*

♦   One specific advanced  theme

* 16 participants to the first edition

Theme of the first
thematic  school:

Mastering State of the Art Computing

Data oriented design
Memory programming
Efficient computing
Registration is for the entire programme. It is not possible to register for one part only.  
Application period is closed  

Welcome  to  tCSC2013 , the first thematic CERN School of Computing.

tCSC2013 is a new concept prototyped for the first  time in 2013. It aims at complementing the existing portfolio of CSC events: the historical main summer school, organized since 1970, the inverted CSCs (iCSCs) organized since 2005, and the special schools, as organized in 2006 in Bombay.

Shorter, smaller, focused are the three distinguishing features of
tCSC. But, though different from the main CSCs, the  tCSC maintain the same guiding principles:
   1. Academic dimension on Advanced topic
   2. Theory and practice
   3. Networking and socialization

We hope this initiative will receive a favorable response from all those, newcomers to CSCs or former participants interested in deepening their knowledge on state of the art computing.

François Fluckiger, Director, CERN School of Computing


Sumary of tCSC2013 theme

Do you have what it takes to squeeze out a modern computer like a lemon? This weeklong intensive training is an advanced dive into software, tools and techniques for exploiting current computing hardware. Core topics include practical use of relevant software methodologies for parallelization, efficient use of compilers, performance optimization, controlled floating point calculations – all coupled with hands-on exercises. In addition to the core teaching material, a range of supplementary topics is offered, such as select aspects of supercomputing, accelerated processing and others. Finally, perspectives on cutting edge software and hardware will be presented, along with a vision of projected developments and their possible consequences.

Local organizer

Chair-person, Local Organising Committee Ivica Puljak, University of Split (FESB) 



Sverre Jarp and  Andrzej Nowak  as theme lecturers, with an introduction on Physics Computing  by Ivica Puljak

Mastering State of the Art Computing


Data oriented design
Designing for data, data-intensive applications, vectorization

Memory programming

Memory effects in hardware, choosing data structures, non-uniform memory


Threads, tasks, problems and overheads, parallelization technologies and environments

Efficient computing
Architecture refresher (big and small cores), accurate and efficient floating point, compilers: their strengths and weaknesses, advanced performance monitoring and tuning

Principles of programming for accelerators, programming modes, GPU (CUDA) and MIC/Xeon Phi


The first thematic CSC is organised by CERN in collaboration with the University of Split (FESB) 


Copyright CERN

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