CERN School of Computing 1995 - BULLETIN No. 3
The programme will be dedicated to the following themes:
- Human Computer Interfaces
- Collaborative Software Engineering
- Information Super Highways
- Trends in Computer Architecture/Industry
- Parallel Architectures (MPP)
- Mathematical Computing
- Data Acquisition Systems
- World-Wide Web for Physics
The total number of lectures will be forty-five. Exercises and demonstrations are expected to be a complement to these lectures.
The following lectures are now confirmed. Additional lectures will be announced later.
- Julian Gallop Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,Didcot, UK
An Introduction to Graphics and User Interface Tools
- Silvano de Gennaro CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Virtual Reality at CERN
- Hans Drevermann CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Is There a Future for Events Display?
- Jean-Marie Le Goff CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
CICERO RD38: Distributed Informtion System for HEP Controls
- Robert Jones CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
The RD13 DAQ System and the Object Oriented Information Engineering Methodology
- David Quarrie Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, USA
OOP in HEP: Evolution or Revolution?
From Abstraction to Implementation - some case studies
- Rd Schaffer CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Applying an Object Oriented Approach to Offline Reconstruction at the LHC
- David C. De Roure University of Southampton, UK
Information Highway Applications
- Wulf Bauerfeld DeTeBerkom, Berlin, Germany
Information Highway Technologies
- Ton Engbersen IBM Zurich, Switzerland
ATM Switching, the PRIZMA Switch
- Christian Maillot Thomson-CSF, Orsay, France
Mass Data Storage: Technical Improvements and Future Trends
- Micheal Metcalf CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
High Performance FORTRAN
- Miles Chesney MEIKO, Bristol, UK
Very Large Scale Open Systems
- Randy Groves IBM ,Austin, USA
History and Future of Computer System Architecture
- David Walker Oak Ridge Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA
The Message Passing Paradigm
Features and Use of PVM
An Introduction to MPI
Message Passing in Application Programs
- Michael Trott Wolfram Research Inc, Champaigne, USA
Mathematica - a Short Comprehensive Introduction
Working with Special Functions in Mathematica
Solving a Problem in Mathematica: High Order WKB
- Roger Barlow Manchester University, Manchester, UK
Painless Statistics - "What a Statistics Package can do for you."
- Michael Letheren CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Switching Techniques in Data Acquisition Systems for Future Experiments.
- Michael J. Haney University of Illinois, Urbana, USA
Simulation and Modelling Tools in Data Acquisition System Design for Future High Energy Physics Experiments
- Håkon W Lie CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
World-Wide Web Technology
- Bertrand Rousseau CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Publishing on the World-Wide Web
- M. Dönszelmann CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Interfacing to the World-Wide Web
- Robert Cailliau CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
The History of WWW and its state in Europe (Evening)
MR - 03 JUL 95 :-)
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