CERN School of Computing 1995 - BULLETIN No. 3

Scientific programme

The programme will be dedicated to the following themes:

Human Computer Interfaces
Collaborative Software Engineering
Information Super Highways
Trends in Computer Architecture/Industry
Parallel Architectures (MPP)
Mathematical Computing
Data Acquisition Systems
World-Wide Web for Physics
The total number of lectures will be forty-five. Exercises and demonstrations are expected to be a complement to these lectures.

The following lectures are now confirmed. Additional lectures will be announced later.

Human Computer Interfaces

Julian Gallop Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,Didcot, UK
An Introduction to Graphics and User Interface Tools
Silvano de Gennaro CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Virtual Reality at CERN
Hans Drevermann CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Is There a Future for Events Display?

Collaborative Software Engineering

Jean-Marie Le Goff CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
CICERO RD38: Distributed Informtion System for HEP Controls
Robert Jones CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
The RD13 DAQ System and the Object Oriented Information Engineering Methodology
David Quarrie Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, USA
OOP in HEP: Evolution or Revolution?
From Abstraction to Implementation - some case studies
Rd Schaffer CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Applying an Object Oriented Approach to Offline Reconstruction at the LHC

Information Super Highways

David C. De Roure University of Southampton, UK
Information Highway Applications
Wulf Bauerfeld DeTeBerkom, Berlin, Germany
Information Highway Technologies

Trends in Computer Architecture/Industry

Ton Engbersen IBM Zurich, Switzerland
ATM Switching, the PRIZMA Switch
Christian Maillot Thomson-CSF, Orsay, France
Mass Data Storage: Technical Improvements and Future Trends
Micheal Metcalf CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
High Performance FORTRAN

Parallel Architectures (MPP)

Miles Chesney MEIKO, Bristol, UK
Very Large Scale Open Systems
Randy Groves IBM ,Austin, USA
History and Future of Computer System Architecture
David Walker Oak Ridge Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA
The Message Passing Paradigm
Features and Use of PVM
An Introduction to MPI
Message Passing in Application Programs

Mathematical Computing

Michael Trott Wolfram Research Inc, Champaigne, USA
Mathematica - a Short Comprehensive Introduction
Working with Special Functions in Mathematica
Solving a Problem in Mathematica: High Order WKB
Roger Barlow Manchester University, Manchester, UK
Painless Statistics - "What a Statistics Package can do for you."

Data Acquisition Systems

Michael Letheren CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Switching Techniques in Data Acquisition Systems for Future Experiments.
Michael J. Haney University of Illinois, Urbana, USA
Simulation and Modelling Tools in Data Acquisition System Design for Future High Energy Physics Experiments

World-Wide Web for Physics

Håkon W Lie CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
World-Wide Web Technology
Bertrand Rousseau CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Publishing on the World-Wide Web
M. Dönszelmann CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Interfacing to the World-Wide Web
Robert Cailliau CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
The History of WWW and its state in Europe (Evening)

MR - 03 JUL 95 :-)

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