CERN School of Computing 1995
The 1995 CERN School of Computing
Arles, France, 20 August - 2 September, 1995
The deadline concerning the 1995 CERN School of Computing has now passed, and no further applications can be accepted.
The CSC Advisory Committee - 2 June 1995
The 1995 CERN School of Computing is organised by CERN, in collaboration with IN2P3/CNRS.
Human Computer Interfaces
Collaborative Software Engineering
Information Super Highways
Trends in Computer Architecture/Industry
Parallel Architectures (MPP)
Mathematical Computing
Data Acquisition Systems
World-Wide Web for Physics
BULLETIN No. 3 - 10 MAY 95

Date and place of the School
Scientific programme
Travel and accommodation
Participation and application
Advisory Committee
Enquiries and correspondence
You may still access Bulletin No 2
MR - 03 JUL 95 :-)
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