CERN School of Computing 1996 - Last update: 18 JUL 1996

Application - non-ASCI students


For non-ASCI students the cost of the School will be 1,600 Swiss francs per student. This sum should be paid into the following account IMMEDIATELY upon receipt of the letter of acceptance.

CERN School of Computing
a/c no. 758.112.0
Société de Banque Suisse
CH-1211 GENEVA 23

This sum covers tuition, full board and lodging at the Hotel Zuiderduin from dinner on Sunday 8, September to breakfast on Saturday 21 September 1996, as well as coffee or tea during the morning and afternoon breaks and some social activities, details of which will be given at a later time. It does not include travel expenses from the participants' home institutes to Egmond aan Zee and back.


If you have a WWW viewer that supports forms, then you may fill out and submit the CSC '96 WWW application form for non-ASCI students. If you decide to use the Web to send in your application form, do not forget that you also need to send A Formal Letter of Reference.

If you choose not to use the Web, then you need you fill out a printed copy of the plain text version of the application form.

When applying to attend the School, each student is requested to provide a summary in English of about 100 words, describing her/his current work. The School booklet, which will be distributed to all participants before the beginning of the School, will include the summaries of the selected students. Applicants who have an electronic e-mail address should indicate this on the right-hand side of the summary. This will facilitate further contact between participants. The summary may be sent separately by e-mail to You will find an example of an e-mail summary under "Example of summary".

Non-ASCI candidates should forward the completed application form and formal letter of reference to:

Miss J. Turner

The relevant addresses can be found in the section "Enquiries and Correspondence".

The deadline for receipt of applications is 31 May 1996.


The selection of the students will be made by the Advisory Committee and the students will be informed of the outcome of their application in the first half of June 1996.


The Advisory Committee reserves the right to refuse reimbursement of part or all of the fee in the case of late cancellation. However, each case of cancellation would be considered individually.


In all cases of withdrawal or cancellation, whether last-minute or otherwise, the choice of a replacement, if any, will lie entirely with the Advisory Committee and not with the laboratory concerned.

Enquiries and Correspondence

Enquiries and correspondence related to the School should be addressed to:

Miss J. Turner

CERN School of Computing
CN Division
CH-1211 GENEVA 23

+41 22 767.50.49
419 000 CER CH
+41 22 767.71.55

Example of summary

First name and surname ---- e-mail address:
I am working with the Computer Centre at GSI. My present area of work is the integrated network and system management for the heterogeneous computer cluster at GSI. This requires a knowledge of network architectures, protocols and tools as well as an understanding of the management of a distributed computer cluster. For my Ph.D I designed and implemented a software (second level) trigger system for the Kaon spectrometer at GSI and I participated in the development of a VME-based data acquisition system.

I am familiar with RS/6000 (IBM), HP, AXP/alpha (DEC) workstations and Vax and the operations systems Unix (AIX, HP-UX) and VMS. I am familiar with shell scripting and DCL and the programming languages C, Fortran90, PL/I, Pascal and 68k-Assembler.

WWW application form for non-ASCI students


Family name
First name
Name to be used for badge
Your e-mail address

Sex Date of birth (DD MM YY)

Address of home institute or department:

CERN Staff Members please specify their complete CERN address. All others please specify address of your institute or department in your home country.

Name of Institute
Department or other info (May be left blank)
Sub-department or other info (May be left blank)
P.O. Box or other info (May be left blank)
Postal Code, City

If you are presently working at CERN, please state whether you are a:

CERN Staff Members
Paid Scientific Associate
Unpaid Scientific Associate
Doctoral Student
Technical Student
Not presently working at CERN

Postal address to be used for mailing of documents:

Name to address
Department or other info (May be left blank)
Sub-department or other info (May be left blank)
P.O. Box or other info (May be left blank)
Postal Code, City

Field of specialization:

Computing Science
High Energy Physics

Is your work linked to high-energy physics? Yes No
Are you involved in a CERN experiment? Yes No

Knowledge of english:

Reading: Writing: Speaking:

University education:

From: To: Attended
Qualifications Obtained
Present Stage Of Studies

For what qualification are you working at present?

When do you expect to obtain it ?

Have you ever worked at CERN?

Yes. If so:
When? From: To:
In Which Division ?

Have you applied to attend any of the previous schools organised by CERN?

Yes. If so:
Which? Of which year?
Was your application accepted or rejected ?

How did you hear about the School?

First announcement
World-Wide Web
Via a colleague
Via your supervisor

Brief description of your current work:

Provide a 100-word description of your current work and indicate the computer(s) and programming language(s) with which you are familiar. A sample description is provided in Example of summary, above.

Other comments:

Please add below any information that does not fit anywhere else in this form:

Before submitting, please remember that ...