From R to Z
Martin RITTER Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München - Germany
  I am from Germany and studied physics at the LMU Munich.  Currently, I am a PhD student at the Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, working primary on the pixel detector for the upcoming Belle II experiment. My main focus has been to work on the Belle II experiment on detector simulation and optimization, involving the development of the software framework and simulation of the pixel detector.  I am also involved in the mechanical design and cooling of this detector. In addition I'm doing a physics analysis for Belle about the time dependent CP-Violation of B mesons in the channel B0 -> D*+ D*- Ks with the full data set of the Belle experiment. My main development is done on Linux in C++ and python but I have also experience with many other languages (e.g. Java, PHP) and and SQL database systems (e.g. Postgres and MySQL)
Luis RODRIGUES CERN, Geneva - Switzerland
  I am a Fellow at CERN currently working in the Atlas Tier0 development team.  At the moment I am involved in the consolidation of the server infra-structure. I am responsible for the migrating of all the services that we have scattered among several servers to virtual machines, for that we are using Puppet to manage the configuration and setup tools to handle the packaging (all the code is python).  I am also involved in the testing new tools that might be used in the future to manage services/display data e.g. graphite. Currently I do most of my work using Python and Linux (using SLC).
Andre SAILER CERN, Geneva - Switzerland
  I studied physics at the Humboldt-University of Berlin. For my Diploma Thesis I worked on the measurement of the luminosity spectrum of the future international linear collider. For my Ph.D. thesis, I moved to the CERN linear collider detector (PH-LCD) group and worked on the simulation of beam-induced backgrounds in a detector for the compact linear collider in order to estimate the background, and improve the detector design. I was also responsible for maintenance of half of the simulation and reconstruction software used for the CLIC detector conceptual design report. I have now started as a CERN fellow in the PH-LCD group, where I continue to work on the detector design, and the simulation and reconstruction tools.
Natalia SAVDEROVA St.Petersburg State Politechnical University - Russia
  I am a first year student of master's program at the Experimental Nuclear Physics Department of St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University.  I am doing a research in the field of ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, particularly products emerging from these processes. My responsibilities include acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the experimental data from PHENIX (RHIC, BNL, USA). Currently I am involved in the development of HARDPING (HARD Probe INteraction Generator), which describes hadron production in lepton-nucleus interactions at high-energies within the framework of Monte Carlo methods. A wide range of effects, such as formation length, energy loss and multiple rescattering of produced hadrons is implemented into HARDPING.OS: Windows, Linux. Programming: C/C++, FORTRAN, Pascal. In my opinion, science is a challenge and only challenge makes our life interesting.
Iwona SPUTOWSKA H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kraków - Poland
  I am a PhD student at Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, interested in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. My adventure with heavy ion physics began with the analysis of the Pb+gas interactions at NA49 experiment at CERN, which I have successfully completed. Recently I have started to work for the ALICE experiment. My current task aims at the study of correlations for particles produced in heavy ion collisions. In my work I have focused on measurements of moments of the multiplicity distribution in rapidity bins. The analysis is performed for Pb+Pb reaction for data from the ALICE detector at the LHC. In my free time I am improving my skills in computer graphics.
Athanasios TOPALOUDIS CERN, Geneva - Switzerland
  I have been studying computer engineering at the Department of Computer and Communication Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece since September 2004. I am about to graduate on October of this year, 2012. During the last year, and specifically since October 2011, I have been working for CERN at BE/BI-SW as a technical student, while writing my bachelor thesis in parallel. My work and my thesis are about server-client development in C/C++ and Java for the fast beam measurements (FBCT) for the SPS and LHC rings. In more detail, my tasks comprise of development of two C/C++ real time applications, processing the data from the acquisition systems, development of several Java based exert GUI interfaces and development of supporting system functions as integration of the measurement system into the CERN control system.
Marco TRESCH University of Zürich Switzerland
  I just finished my Master thesis on the study of the zero-crossing point of the forward-backward asymmetry of B->K* mu+ mu- at LHCb. This zero-crossing point has a small theoretical uncertainty and is sensitive for new physics. Before I have done measurements of the performance of the silicon tracking modules for my Bachelor thesis. Currently I am working on implementing the measurement method of the zero-crossing point of the forward-backward asymmetry on other observables of B->K*mu+ mu-.
Christian URÍA EISMAR CERN, Geneva - Switzerland
  I am a telecommunication engineer currently working at CERN as a Project Associate in the IT-OIS group. I have worked on the interconnection of a Jabber-based instant messaging platform with Microsoft Lync, the upcoming collaboration tool at CERN. At present I am involved in the Agile Infrastructure project dealing with configuration management using the Puppet open source tool. I have been at the IT department at CERN previously: as a Summer Student in 2007, and as a Technical Student in 2008; where I worked on the improvement of the CPU efficiency of the batch cluster, implementing in C a plugin for the LSF scheduler, which dispatches physicists' jobs to the machines where they are executed. I got experience in PHP and Bash scripting too. Afterwards I worked in a Spanish call center managing an Asterisk-based telephone system. I have a good knowledge of C++, C# and Java, and I am familiar with Ruby, Perl and Python.
Lars WEUSTE Max Planck Institut für Physik, München - Germany
  I got my diploma in physics at the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich by developing a tracking algorithm searching for MIPs in hadronic showers of the highly granular CALICE hadronic calorimeter prototype. Here I also started my PhD thesis which is divided into two parts. One part of my work was the measurement of squarks in a full detector simulation of the Compact Linear Collider. This analysis was part of the CDR released earlier this year. On the other hand, together with another PhD student, I performed a small testbeam experiment at CERN measuring the time structure of hadronic showers. It included the design of the data acquisition, both in hard and in software from scratch. Both parts of the thesis were done to a large extend using the C++ programming language with either GCC/Linux or Visual Studio/Windows. In addition I was using Python and Bash and I have some experience with Java, C# and PHP.
Scott WOLIN University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - USA
  I am a PhD student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign working with the PHENIX collaboration. My thesis topic is the measurement of the double longitudinal asymmetry for \pi^{0} production in polarized proton-proton collisions at RHIC. This allows one to access the gluon polarization within a proton. I have also worked extensively on a trigger upgrade which will greatly increase the sensitivity of my measurement to unexplored kinematic regions. I typically perform my analysis using Scientific Linux or Ubuntu operating systems and since much of the analysis is ROOT based, I generally write my analysis frameworks in C++ and C. I also use bash and perl, and in my free time I enjoy coding in Java.
Dimitrios ZILASKOS STFC, Didcot – United Kingdom
  I am working since 2003 as systems administrator in grid clusters. Until 2011 I was administrating Grid clusters in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, and since January 2012 I am working as linux systems administrator at RAL Tier1. My experience includes Scientific Linux/RHEL/CentOS 3,4,5,6 Ubuntu, Slackware, Fedora, Gentoo, WindowsXP/Vista/7/2003/2008. From programming languages I am using shell scripts/perl/python and I can also work with simple C/Fortran codes. My focus is on large scale installation monitoring and maintenance of Grid/HPC computing/storage/networking systems. Occasionally I may interact with scientists to advise on improved ways to run their codes on the grid.

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     From R to Z    


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