Wolfgang KIESENHOFER Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna - Austria
  I studied physics at the Vienna University of Technology and did my diploma thesis at the Institute of High Energy Physics were I analyzed test beam data from semiconductor test structures measured at SPS. I am now a PhD student, starting my 3rd year and I'm currently working for the CMS experiment. My primary interest is the search for super symmetry, but I also participated in the muon and the missing energy object groups.  I am currently working on a background estimation technique for SUSY decay channels with a single lepton in the final state. Operating systems I use in my daily work are Linux and OSX, sometimes Windows.  Programming languages I am familiar with are C++, Python and Matlab. I have also extensively used ROOT and RooFit during the last 4 years.

     From A to C    

     From D to I      

     From K to P    

     From R to Z    


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