
inverted CERN School of Computing 2011 3-4 March 2011, CERN

Programme Overview


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Virtualization and Clouds

Computer Security

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Lecturer Bios



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CERN, Geneva - Switzerland

Coming from Spain, I studied at the University of Oviedo. Thanks to them I got the opportunity to come to CERN as a Project Associate.   During this first period at CERN, I was developing and maintaining the configurations in the infrastructure of CERN network, migrating from CISCO Firewall to IPTables Firewall. As well I was giving support to FlexLM License Management system, and using CERN Fabric Management Infrastructure (http://cern.ch/quattor) to fully automate installation and maintenance of some servers, managing Linux RPM’s software distribution and installation systems.  One year later I got an openlab Fellowship in which I am currently working and my tasks consists in the integration of Oracle VM server within CERN infrastructure. I have been working in the integration at the host level in CERN ELFms (the large scale management system) and currently I am working in the integration at the guest level, as well as the migration of application and database servers to these virtual machines. I am familiar with Unix/Linux environments, as well as Windows. I have been working with shell, perl, scripting programming, and I like to program as well in Java and Web technologies.

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Last update: Tuesday, 10. July 2012 15:08

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